So Happy Together

Apr 21, 2022 by Valerie Taylor, in What I'm Reading

Can you find happiness if it’s not lost?

If you remember the sixties or even heard stories about it from others, you’ll want to go along for the ride in SO HAPPY TOGETHER by Deborah K. Shepherd (She Writes Press).So Happy Together book cover


In this deeply emotional story, Carolyn Mills, a.k.a. Caro, gets up one day in 1987 and decides to bail on her marriage and three young children in search of the love she left behind in Arizona in the late sixties. Along her road trip from Connecticut to a small town in North Dakota, Caro not only reveals why she’s obsessed with her unrequited love interest but also shows us her talents. She could have been a playwright if life hadn’t interfered, and she discovers she has the newfound ability to repair cars. I can’t help but wonder if that’s a metaphor for Caro’s own life? Does she have it in her to repair what’s broken in her and her marriage?


While she’s working on it, we see that most of all Caro is a caring mother, loyal friend, and contented with her ultimate decisions.


As I was reading SO HAPPY TOGETHER, I wondered why we often keep a stranglehold on what we can’t have, and yet we so easily let go of what could make us happy if we’d only work at it?


Because Shepherd’s voice is so very real, honest, and authentic, I kept double-checking the cover to see if it’s really a memoir, instead of a novel. Alas, it is a novel; a coming-of-age story, in fact. But in this case, it takes the heroine twenty years and a road trip to arrive.


Curl up with some sixties music in the background and read SO HAPPY TOGETHER.


SO HAPPY TOGETHER is available in paperback or as an eBook wherever you buy your books. Here’s just one link.

Read my interview with Deborah K. Shepherd.